(858) 519-5461

1201 Camino Del Mar Suite 205, Del Mar CA 92014

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(858) 519-5461

1201 Camino Del Mar Suite 205, Del Mar CA 92014

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Treatment for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Del Mar, CA 

If you've dealt with carpal tunnel syndrome you know how horribly uncomfortable it can be to complete daily tasks, let alone work and function. Maybe you haven't had the diagnosis, but your hands hurt and feel weak and tingly. You may have pain or muscle spasms in your forearm, shoulder, and mid-back area. Or do your hands feel extra hot or cold, clammy, swell, or burn? Read on if so...

By definition, carpal tunnel syndrome is a painful condition of the hand and/or fingers that occurs when the median nerve that supplies the hand is compressed and inflamed. The compression usually takes place around the carpal bones through a passage at the front of the wrist along the tendons that allow your hand to flex. This compression is what causes the tingly or nervy sensation and weakness that is reported by those who are diagnosed with the problem. The nerve irritation causes inflammation and faulty movement of the wrist often leading to tenderness, swelling, and pain when palpated.

Why does it happen? Repetitive movements such as typing, using tools, computer work, trauma directly to the wrist, fluid retention such as with pregnancy, and poor posture. The posture that presents as hunching in the midback coupled with carrying the head forward (think nursing home posture) can cause the wrists, hands, and fingers to feel like they have pins and needles, or the tingly sensation we see with carpal tunnel syndrome. Unfortunately, many other nervous and musculoskeletal imbalances mimic carpal tunnel syndrome which makes fixing the problem really difficult.

At Health by the Sea, Dr. Fattie has a very unique initial exam and workup that will hone in on the symptoms you're experiencing and thus offer a true diagnosis of the problem. Once the condition is brought to light her specialized protocol targets the source of the problem and hence delivers the results you're looking for.

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